Review: Aspire Cleito (Smudge Away From Perfection)
In the last few years of vaping, I’m gone through 8-10 different boxes and probably two dozen different tanks, and I can say with full confidence that the Aspire Ceito tank has been the most frustrating one of all. In the past, I’ve reviewed the Smok Minos tank, which I absolutely loved, and the Altus tank, which should likely be routed straight from production to the trash. The Ceito tank, on the other hand, poses a strong love/hate dichotomy.
If you’re a novice vaper, take a look at this article for vaping for beginners.
Let’s dive into the details.
To begin, the Apire Ceito tank is an inexpensive one, clocking in at only $16-$18 depending on where you opt to purchase. With your investment, you’ll receive the following:
1x Complete Tank. 1x Extra Replacement Atomizer. 1x Replacement Pyrex Tube. 4x Rubber Cuffs. 1x Vape Band
When you open up your Cleito container, you’ll find a tank that is ready to go, along with a replacement atomizer. The atomizer that is in the tank already is a 0.4-ohm atomizer which is suitable for vaping between 40-60 watts. The “replacement atomizer” that you see is the 0.2-ohm atomizer which is meant to be vaped at 55-70 watts. Keep in mind that it is also possible to purchase the 0.27-ohm atomizer for this tank, which is good for vaping between 40-55 watts – I never purchased a 0.27 -ohm one, so we won’t cover it in this review.
Vaping With The 0.2-ohm Atomizer
Horrible. Plain and simple. There is very little flavor when using this atomizer no matter how well I primed it, and this holds true with multiple flavors. I tried two 0.2 atomizers for this tank, and for both of them, the flavor was quite lackluster. Perhaps worst of all, the atomizers burned out within 2 days each. Before you judge my vaping habits, I want to say that I always refill the tank when it becomes 1/3 empty, so it has nothing to do with me burning the cotton due to little juice in the tank.
That’s really the entire summation for the 0.2-ohm atomizer. If you do a few google searches, you’ll find that others had similar issues with the 0.2, and completely gave up on it.
Vaping With The 0.4-ohm Atomizer
I typically vape between 45-50 watts, so naturally, the 0.4-ohm atomizer is the best fit. On the first day I filled up my Clieto tank and began to vape, I was blown away by the flavorful punch. At that very moment, I believed I had finally found the perfect tank, suitable to all of my vaping preferences. About a year ago, I was a dripper, so I became spoiled by the flavor production of the piece, and honestly, have had difficulties in finding another tank that can produce remotely the same amount of flavor. So I vaped the first day, the second day – all is still great, and then the third day came….I started to get a burning taste in my mouth.
After the third day, I ran to my local vape store and purchased a pack of 0.4 atomizers (5 for $25). I took out the currently burnt one, primed up a new one, and got right back to it, once again I was revived by the flavorful hits.
Unfortunately, just like the first time, it didn’t last long, and by the 3rd or 4th day, the burning returned.
As you would imagine, I was fairly disappointed because even though the tank itself is quite cheap, I’m not thrilled to switch in a fresh atomizer every 3 days just to keep with potency of flavor. I subsequently began to do some research online.
I Wasn’t Alone!
Research revealed countless other customers who we were experiencing the same issues as I was, here and here. The burnt flavor of the Aspire Cleito can be attributed to the vacuum seal. When you inhale, the tank is not able to draw in e-liquid towards the atomizer due to the tank pressure. How can verify that’s what you’re experiencing? Simply unscrew the top cap just a bit, enough for air to enter the tank. Once you do so, you may notice that several bubbles form from the cotton and rise up. Now try to pull in, you’ll notice right off the bat that all of a sudden all the flavor is back.
Unfortunately, there is no simple fix for this concern, because it comes down to poor engineering. Even worse, this problem proves inconsistent depending on the atomizer. I’ve noticed that with one atomizer, this problem wouldn’t occur at all, and the atomizer would actually last me for a week, while the next atomizer goes to hell within three days.
What Does Aspire Say?
You would postulate that when many customers complain about a consistent and verified issue, the manufacturer would admit fault or, even better yet, offer a solution. Nope, not the case here. In one of the online threads, an Aspire employee did comment on the issue, and their solution was changing the way we prime our atomizer. Here are a few things they mentioned:
- When you have a new atomizer, make sure to let it sit in your tank soaking for 10 minutes before vaping (nothing new here)
- When you refill your tank, do not vape right away, let it stand for a few minutes.
- Do not refill your tank before you go to bed. Over-saturating your cotton is just as bad as under-saturating your cotton, so do not have a full tank when you head to bed. Some customers have mentioned that they woke up to their whole tank being emptied all over their device.
Let me touch on this over-saturating statement, I’ll quote them directly:
At last, when long time no using(more than 2 hours or we can not use up one tank e-juice one day),the cotton inside the atomizer will soak overmuch e-juice, which will stop e-juice and air entering into the please don’t let the tank with e-juice stand up for long time.
2 hours is what they consider to be a “long time.” So to a certain degree, they do admit that their tank won’t be able to pull in e-juice or air if the cotton is too saturated. But I’ve NEVER had this issue with other competent tanks, so I’m not sure if we are supposed to accept this response.
Possible Fixes? Please.
Now that we know the problem, how can we alleviate it? I’ve mentioned before that some atomizers will work better than others, and that is the truth. Pick up a pack of five atomizers and you will notice that some of them in the pack will work well, while the others will exhibit the problem we discussed. This isn’t the perfect solution, but something to keep in mind.
If you have an atomizer right now that is causing issues, take it out, and put two pinholes in it. By doing so, you’re opening up the airflow just a bit, and possibly fixing the vacuum sealing issue. Keep in mind, if the holes are too big, you might end up seeing leaking.
Lastly, if you’re sitting down and plan to vape for some time, then unscrew the top cap just a bit. Enough that it’s not tightened, but not to the point that you visibly see it above your tank. By doing so, you are once again allowing air to enter your tank.
How Do I Prime My Aspire Cleito?
- Hold the atomizer in your hand, and apply your e-liquid to the three slots of your atomizer. Squeeze a bit of e-liquid into the actual atomizer through the top, while doing so, make sure to rotate the atomizer, so when the liquid slides down, it goes over the cotton evenly.
- Screw in the atomizer to the base of your Cleito tank, and make sure it’s snug! If it’s not screwed it well, then when you refill in the future, the top cap will actually unscrew the atomizer as well, which will end up with all your e-liquid being dumped through your airflow.
- Make sure your airflow is closed up and then put on the plastic container. Fill up the tank 3/4 of the way up, and screw in the top.
- Let the tank now sit for 10-15 minutes.
- After 15 minutes, open up the air flow, and allow for a few dry hits. Fire your device, but do not pull in. Do this for 3-4 hits.
- For the dry hits as well as when you actually draw, make sure to begin at low wattage. For the 0.4 ohm atomizer, begin at 25 watts. After 5 hits, move on to 30 watts. 5 more hits, move up to 35 watts. Slowly bring it up.
Much of this is the typical priming procedure for all atomizer.
Closing Statements
Despite a multitude of issues you may experience using the Aspire Cleito tank, when it works, it works darn well. I’m going to continue using the tank for now because I do enjoy it for its simplicity. It’s easy to refill, the airflow is good when it’s not vacuum sealing, and the flavor is solid. I hope that with time, I will find solutions for the vacuum sealing problem, and I will definitely share them here.
At the end of the day, for $16-$18, it’s worth picking up this tank at your vape shop and giving it a whirl. That’s only if you smoke in the mid-range, if you’re looking to put the 0.2-ohm atomizer into action, then forget about this tank altogether.
Worst tank I’ve ever purchased, you get what you pay for. When replacing a coil, the top tank that you screw off is plastic, and it screws/unscrews into METAL THREADS, which have eaten away the plastic threads and destroyed the tank! I won’t be spending 20 dollars on another aspire ever again. I’M GOING SMOK GODDAMNIT.
Strange that you had so many problems. While I know it’s never been the best tank available, I’ve been using mine exclusively for probably more than two years – mostly with 0.2 ohm coils – and I’ve had ZERO problems. Never any burning taste, the coils never once burned out, no flooding, and they last for about 3 weeks until the flavour starts to die. I was dubious at first about buying an aspire product because I’d had one before (can’t remember which one) and it was rubbish.
Contrast that to the Freemax Mesh Pro that I just bought as an upgrade. Apart from the pathetically tiny tank which has to be filled far too often, day one was fine. Loads of flavour and vapour. But on day two I’ve run into a problem with a burnt-tasting flavour that I believe is caused by the vacuum problem you describe in your article.
Perhaps it isnt a matter of vacuum seal or air not going through… I have went round and round with well over 20 tanks and quite possibly as many rdas and rdtas over a period of approximately 6 years and I have come to the conclusion that juice is 9.9 times out of 10 the problem if not user error… Being a fairly experiences diy eliquid mixer myself, I feel like the vacuum seal you speak of is actually an important part of the proper operation of sub ohm tanks because then it actually helps the juice go into the coils when you take a vape if you are pulling with an adequate amount of force to where the pressure from you sucking pulls the juice into the coils at the time of the vape in order for the juice for the next vpe hit to already be there instead of waiting for it to soak up. I definately agree that pin holes in the cotton of most prebuilt sub ohm tank coils are a good solution especially if you are using a high vg juice or frequently vape outside in the cold or during the winter where its especially thick due to temperature. Therefore if I may suggest that when experiencing this coil burnt taste one should consider a lower vg juice at at least 70vg/30pg or lower. My own personal experience in all this is in most part the avenue that lead me down the diy road and through all my struggling and aggravation brought me to a place where no matter what device I use I can surely create the proper ejuice to go long with it and a very addicting and creatively satisfying hobby in the end.
Forgive me I failed to leabe my experience with the cleito which has neen a surprising good one. Only having gone through 1 coil thus far and it lasting over 3 weeks and this coming from someone who used to go through a tfv8 baby coil in a day or 2. Hence the reason I have such a lengthly experimentation history figuring out these strange little gadgets that at times have completely taken my life lol. Has been so far one of the best tanks Ive used. Thanks