
Review: Baby Einstein Activity Jumper (Special Edition)

When it comes to a product that is not only fun for your little one, but also safe, a lot of people would not think that jumpers are the solution. Anything can go wrong, anything can happen. While, they might be fun for the babies, if they’re not the right jumper then anything can go wrong. However, I decided to try out the Baby Einsteins Jumper for my baby.

I know many people that have jumpers for their babies and this one seemed to be the best one to go with when it came to choosing something that not only my baby would like, but would hold his attention and be safe for him to play in for extended periods of time.

Baby Einsteins Jumper was cost-effective, saving me cash which is always a good thing when it comes to having kids and it is pretty well constructed. With this being said, it is important to think about how this jumper might help your little one. With this in mind, we can look at many of the specifics that come from this jumper and why it might be a good candidate for you to consider like I did.

Review: Baby Einstein Activity Jumper (Special Edition) 2

Full of Fun

The jumper has so much going on with it that it is no wonder that it is a fun jumper to go with. You can have them play music with the keys in the front, there are also loops around it and on the top bars for hanging toys or loops for toys. You can also enjoy the smiling sun, birds or other animals that twist, turn and twirl for the baby.

One of the benefits is that they have a spinner on one side that has small balls on it. When spun, it makes a fun sound. Additionally, the small mirror on the other side gives the baby a chance to look at themselves while they’re jumping in it.

The trays provided around it give the baby more space to place small treats or even more toys. There are plenty of options for the baby to make this a fun and exciting toy that holds their attention. This is definitely a plus when you want to keep baby occupied for a short period of time.

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Safety For Your Little One

This is another big one. You want to think about the safety of your child that is going to be jumping in it. You want to make sure that they’re not only going to be able to jump but that it is safe for them to do so. This is connected in four different spots that can be adjusted according to the height of the child.

Each of the springs that allow the baby to jump are heavy duty and are also covered with covers over the springs. This is a good idea since little fingers might end up in the wrong places if these areas are not properly covered.

When my boy gets in it, he is over 20 pounds, it holds him up well and he is able to jump around in it without a problem. There is nothing that is wobbly or loose, and I do not worry about the springs on the sides breaking. There is a weight limit on it though, so this is something that should be considered when you put your little inside it.

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Overall Thoughts

My overall thought on this product is that it is definitely a go-to product when it comes to giving baby something to play in. It delights him and also allows him to jump. Unlike the traditional jumpers out there that would go in the doorways throughout the house (I have no doorways with ledges) this one can sit anywhere in the room that you would like.

You just set it up and put the child in it and they can bounce the day away. It does, however, take up a lot of room in the room. Keep this in mind if you’re working with a small space. You might not have the right amount of space for it to fit. This is because the base of the jumper is wide, allowing enough room for the springs to hold the seat in the middle.

If you’re considering a toy or jumper for your baby, I highly recommend going with this one for the jumping that they want to do. You want to provide them with something that gives a good time, but also something that is not going to make you feel uncomfortable safety wise. This little jumper is also cost effective when it comes to purchasing a larger toy that they can use.

Another benefit – you can find it on sale in a lot of stores and you can bring it with you on the go if you want to use it in other areas where the baby might need a little stimulation.


Baby Einsteins Jumper Review

Ease of Use
Fun for Baby

Find out if the jumper is right for you, I loved it, will your little too?

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User Rating: 3.5 ( 2 votes)

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