Review: Misfits Nasher Sticks Vs Misfits Tangly Twists – will your dog like them?
I have never co-written a review before, but there’s a first time for everything. Helping me out on this review will be my good friend Charlie.
There’s a chance that I’ll do most of the actual writing, while Charlie will focus on some in-depth product testing.
Charlie is a 14 year old puppy. His breed is “a bit of this, a bit of that.” His hobbies include walking and sleeping. He’s staying with us for about a week. I think he looks quite a bit like Sprocket from Fraggle Rock.

I first came across Misfits treats for dogs maybe 18 months ago. I was looking to bring something nice to Charlie, I’d heard he liked snacks, and these were on offer in my local supermarket.
I think they’re a UK brand, but owned by Mars. They don’t seem to have much presence over here.
But, Charlie seemed very impressed with them, so I decided to share them with you.
The products
Being a UK brand, and seemingly being imported from there, Misfits are actually a little bit pricier than other snacks or treats you might get for your dog. But I think we can all agree that if your dog clearly likes them a lot, it’s money well spent!
The two varieties that we had on hand to review were the chicken and beef flavored Nasher Sticks, and the beef and cheese flavored Tangly Twists. I think we can agree that either of those sounds very appealing.
Personally, I think anything beef and cheese flavored – like those Tangly Twists – sounds like a good idea, because it essentially means they taste like a cheeseburger.
However, when you’re not the target market for a product, it’s really important to outsource the evaluation aspect of a review to a subject matter expert. So, let’s see what Charlie makes of them.
Charlie’s opinion
I started by asking Charlie which he thought would be better, but he didn’t say anything. I guess he was playing his cards close to his chest, and didn’t want to make a call either way, just in case he was wrong.
So, I set up each of these snacks on the floor to see which one he went for.
I knew from the outset that I would have to undertake a best of three approaches, just to see if there was a clear winner.
Here’s the first run.
As we can see, it looked like he was heading for the Nasher Stick, but made a last minute decision for the Tangly Twist.
Interesting stuff.
But would things change completely in the second round?
Let’s take a look.
There was no hesitation in that one. He went straight for the Tangly Twist.
That makes it a clear winner. Maybe it’s the implication of it tasting like a cheeseburger that won it?
The brightly colored packaging across the Misfits range certainly makes it stand out, and it generally presents itself as being a fun brand. Fun equals enjoyment, and that’s what you want from the time you spend with your dog.
Misfits have a decent selection of flavors across the varieties of their dog treats, and based on Charlie’s enjoyment of them, I’d definitely recommend having a few packets on hand.
Unlike some other cheaper brands of dog treats, I don’t find the smell from Misfits products to be overwhelmingly awful. That makes it a win in terms of handling them to feed to your dog, as well as being better for storing.
In saying that, I’ve seen Charlie sniffing around where we store them, so he definitely knows where they are!