Crayola My First Mess Free Marker and Paper (#1 Set!)
This is one of the cutest sets out there. Plus, they have other sets that can come with this one for even more fun and creativity with small hands and growing minds.
I already know that whatever is made by Crayola is going to be high quality, but I wanted to do a review on this specific set since it peaked my interest when I got it for my one and a half-year-old. This color wonder pad definitely sparks little one’s minds and gets them coloring without having to worry about getting marker everywhere that they turn, which is a big plus.
Learn more about why I chose this coloring set and why you should too if you have little ones that love to draw and color! You might be surprised to know that this is a great product that is going to make sure that it doesn’t let you down.
What All Comes with the Set
The set comes with one mess free marker and then a pad of 18 pages for the child to color on. The marker is a rainbow color though it appears clear when you open it up. The set also is refillable if you wanted to get more pages and add them to it later on.
There is not much that goes into the set, but it can still provide hours of fun for little ones that want to grab something to color with.
How Does it Work?
The beauty of this product is that the ink is magic ink. The colors only show when the child uses the marker on the special paper. It comes out clear and does not stain. You can expect to just wipe it off without any messes – at all! Giving it to my one and a half year old was not something that I had worried about either. I knew that messes were something that were not going to happen.
Additionally, the set works by just having the magic marker and paper. Even if they color on something else, including the walls, this is not going to show up.
Pros of Using it
The pros of using the product were big. Not only could I give my little one the freedom to color but I didn’t have to sit right over him while he was doing so. That is because of the mess free magic ink that comes with it. You don’t have to worry about them coloring on something that shouldn’t be colored on. You can just wipe anything away or you can leave it, since it is not going to show anyway.
Another pro was that it was great for him to handle. It didn’t require him to grip it in any special way, which was a great thing since he mad handled it and got to work. He was able to draw lines and just scribble away to his heart’s content. It was definitely something that he loved.
He loved the fact that the marker was shaped after a cow. He thought it was funny and kept mooing as he was using the product to color. This definitely caught his attention and the website says that they have other characters available, as well. You can check them out and see if they provide you with a little something special for the little one that wants to explore their creativity and get more out of the pictures that they color.
Cons of Using it
There were really no cons. I guess the biggest downfall is having to refill the magic paper when he uses the pages but so far, he really hasn’t gone through that many. I keep letting him use some of the same pages since he doesn’t cover them all the way. You can also flip it over and use the back. They have coloring sheets, as well if they want pictures to color.
My Overall Verdict of the Product
If you have little ones that love to color but you don’t want them coloring everything in the house, including the walls, then this Crayola My First Mess Free Coloring is the product that you’re going to want to get. With no mess and clear ink that only shows up on magic paper, it is a set for everyone to enjoy. You can make the most of it when you bring it home and check it out for yourself.
Of course, another great thing in my opinion of this product is that you don’t have to worry about the price, either. The initial price is very low, under $10, so you don’t have to worry about them not liking it, though they will most likely love being able to color and you will love not having to worry about coloring on your walls or other areas of the house.